Contrast is a strange word. It is extremely helpful as a literary device when comparing two different quantities. It is amazingly useful when I have to adjust the colours on my TV. Though wikipedia states eight different subjects where contrast becomes a homonym, in my case the meaning is the easiest. Contrast is a measurement of the dissimilarity between things.
My morning started on a weird note. My editor calls me on my landline. This is how the conversation goes:
Me: Hello (who the hell is it)
Her: Hello
Me: Yes
Her: Its Nalini
Me: Oh..Good morning mam
Her: Good morning darling. Why are you sleeping away to glory at 9.30 in the morning ?
Me: uh huh
Her: Listen, L.N. Mittal is in Delhi today and I want you to do that assignment. Will you do it please?
Me: Ofcourse (who would miss that)
Her: ok..the car will....(blah blah blah)
So, I was thrilled. And the day seemed exciting. After five hours of waiting, Mr. Arcelor Mittal addresses a press conference for 3 minutes and wraps it up after three questions. Me being one of the lucky ones that he answered (wink, wink). But, thats besides the point.
Now, here come the long list of contrasts which I could not help but notice after that:
I was 'excited' to meet him in the morning, but 'pissed' after doing so
Had a 'great time' with my family in the morning, but had a 'tiff' in the night
Lakshmi Niwas Mittal was finding it hard to smile while giving away medals to students, but passed me a smile twice during the press meet
Kamal Nath seems like a half wit, but is actually a man very well versed in his communication skills
The Steel giant barely has five mins for the media, whereas the CPRO (thats the Chief Public Relations Officer) takes 15 minutes to walk me to the gate, two kilometres away.
Contrasts are strange phenomena. They leave you pondering much more than you bargained for.
Tip of Kanyakumari
March, 2006
Sunrays peeping out to meet me
Contrast: March, 2007. And I am in Delhi
such a modest and humble girl our sassy is, she might have missed telling a lot of things that happened during the day but she had to tell us that an old man with probably 35 years of married life, smiled twice at her, that the cpro walked her to the gate 2 kms away,and blah blah blah. i wonder how she missed telling us that kamal nath also passed hera sly smile! but we lovw you for what you are sassy! keep it up. :)
Cheapskate. What I wrote was in the flow of my story. I could have told a lot of other things, my boy. But guess, from now on you probably would not even be the last one to hear about things that are not put up on the blog.
and wat is the relevance of '35 years of married life'???
Hey Sassy, that’s really an achievement. Being smiled at by L N Mittal. Huh??? And too twice… that means once he smiled…. And lo he smiles again. You must have been blushing all day long.
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