When people you care about, people you trust, stab you in the back, there is a sudden numbness. An eerie silence, where you can hear the cruel criticism of your own follies. Where you realise that people who build fortresses around themselves are people who will eventually become kings. And you, on the other hand, will remain an undiscovered 'tank of potential'.
It is odd, how all things go wrong at the same time. I mean, I may be bad with numbers, but such a dirty trick of low probability is perhaps the sharpest irony.
You should listen to The Circle Game by Joni Mitchell.
sassy, david grey's babylon2 should be a good song for you. On the other hand being a stickler for emotions is not a crime. like they say BE YOURSELF, because those who mind dont matter and who matter dont mind :)
over a period of time you will find that you are an expert in dealing with such emotions !!!
good luck in your pursuits !!!
@Jerry: Did. Great advice..
@the avenger: Thanks. You know, I dont mind being an emotional person. It is the fact that others take you to be a fool, that disappoints me.
You know, you are right about all things going wrong at once, happened to me not long ago (yesterday) and i could just sit there helplessly and just expect it to be a bad dream!!! Alas it was not
Long time, no see gyaanguru!!
was on a break.... !!!!!!
Murphy's Law......
murphy's law is hardly this...
Murphy's Law is hardly this or is this hardly murphy's law??
There is sudden numbness only when people you trust/care about , stab you in the back.Guess, I would be least bothered if someone I didn't know/care abt/trust , back stabbed me.Anyway,I am the one one who decides who I care for and who I don't..and there are very few people who are worth it..
@anon: Isnt that the worst sort of betrayal expected? People you explicitly trust stabbing you?
I am really not aware of the different types/sorts of betrayal , hence would not comment on whether it's bad,worse or worst:).But what I do know is that, it's not something that I approve of..Anyway, you do have the solution---"Where you realise that people who build fortresses around themselves are people who will eventually become kings."..though , I do admit, it is a wee bit difficult..Usually,the next questions to follow would be,"When/where should we let our guard down and be ourselves?Who should we trust?" I have been trying hard not to reach a general theory about not trusting people so I have generally stopped meeting too many people(hmmm...not such a good idea,i suppose)..Guess, that's my fortress, metaphorically speaking..I have realised that you can be happy with anyone as long as you don't love/like the person and I have also learnt not to take life too seriously as I am dead sure that I won't get out alive..I really can't control how others act/react/behave,if I could,I would be god(or satan),,,yep, but I can surely control my own thoughts /reactions/decisions/judgements.In a world where ethics/values have taken a back seat ,I am not sure what we are supposed to do except for traveling back in time or maybe live by the motivational one liners that u read on the World Wild web..(The second option sounds stupid but is definitely financially viable, executable and entertaining:))..Perhaps letting it go and forgetting about things n accepting them as a learning experience is the only way to carry on..as they say,,good judgement usually comes from bad experience,all of which comes from bad judgement..btw,,beer usually solves most of my problems(burp)..:)..
PS..Sincerely hope that u've either let go of the incident or kicked the person where he/she deserved it.
'Anon' (seems quite weird adressing someonme like this), quite a nice and long opinion you have given. Thanks. I quite agree with what you said, but could not kick that friend's ass. Guess, some people are not worth enough of being called friends. And 'bad judgement' seems to be my middle name most of the times.
Thanks for calling it nice(or are u just trying to be nice?),, and loong??,,hmm,ok , I accept it..Always had a problem sticking to the word limit:).
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