Friday, May 04, 2007

Am caught in the grind. Again. After a year of waiting patiently, am shifting to my new residence. To a room with ample sunlight. With a staircase along which wind chimes play happily. It is time to do some packing...


jairaj said...

I'm sorry but is your name inspired by Mrs Dalloway?

Sassy Satan said...

Sassy Satan or Eternal Temptations?

Sassy Satan said...

Well, neither actually is inspired from that.
A mere 'coincidence' perhaps. :-)

jairaj said...

Sassy Satan, aah ok.

moonstruck maniac said...

ahh the bathroom is wat i really look forward to!!! ;) good luck and congrats on ur new house though

Sassy Satan said...

:-) Thanks Moonstruck. Would respond in person to your other comment. ;-)