Friday, April 27, 2007

Is this the deformed silence, in which witches whisper their charms...

Is it really? For the past couple of days, I have been a silent and somewhat troubled victim of a tumultuous storm within myself. A deluge of emotions, some internal criticism, some unanswered questions and a lot of studying were the instigators. Today when the primrose was just opening its petals and I was being rattled by a heigtened sense of disgust, I chose to close it all. In a sweeping stroke. Pushed towards a spaceless alley. And a 20 minute nap, is in my opinion the best way to do it.

Couple of weeks ago, I took this 'which goddess are you' quiz. After a random set of obscure questions, it pronounced me as 'aphrodite' - the Greek goddess of love, lust and beauty. Both Aphrodite and Venus have always held a mystic fascination for me. It is almost as if I could play endlessly with the foam that Aphrodite was born out of. Or I could loose myself in the curvy flows of hands and gestures that Venus employed to work her magic. Or as if I could emulate their sassiness. But, the confusion encircling me then created a different desire altogether. A phase of utter wonderment. What if I refused to be involved in emotions and crap and became like one of the Furies, the Greek goddesses of revenge. Now, I know this sounds too lame and silly for comfort, but what if I could reason everything out with a cold, calculated and shrewd rationale?

Eternal tempations aside, the past couple of hours have brought with them a serene sense of existence again. In a silence that seems too forced, too sweetened by its own, too fragile to exist. In this uninterrupted calm I wonder, when there is no other question plaguing my mind....... this the deformed silence, in which witches whisper their charms


Gyaan Guru said...

he! he! he!

Sab upar se nikal gaya!!!

Sassy Satan said...

Sansaar se upar utho.... ;-)