The gulf between how one should live and how one does live is so wide that a man who neglects what is actually done for what should be done learns the way to self destruction rather than self preservation. The fact is that a man who wants to act virtuously in every way necessarily comes to grief among so many who are not virtuous.
--Niccolo Machiavelli
1. Now, I really do understand what he is trying to say. One should adapt to situations, rather than behaving in an 'ideal fashion'.
2. But, there is a one-liner with a similar meaning that just irritates the hell out of me--if you cant change a situation, change your thinking. Can I ask why should I do that?
A test question for you Mr. Machiavelli. If an individual close to you, asks your opinion about something they like, what do you do? Do you act virtuously, and lie to them about it? Even if you do not agree with their choice? Or do you act according to the situation, tell the truth and see a smile vanish forever?
I didnt know what to do......
Machiavelli: sassy, it again comes down to the situation you are in and what your near one is asking you it a mere whim that they are asking you about or is it something really important ,maybe a decision that will have a bearing on the future life... u ahve to estimate the situation and act accordingly. also remember the other thing i said about lies and conceit being the means to an end... its the beginning...u will learn.till then i rest in peace
Aren't you quite the philosopher vb? am sure medici would have kicked Machiavelli's ass if you would have been there.
i owe all my knowledge to that gr8 BITCH... the other one i meant, not the one u thinkin bout ;-)
I dont know about Machiavelli, but if you ask me that... every time I am asked for a opinion the words I use are
" I don't know about you, but if I was at your place I would ____________________ baaki teri marzi"
Play Safe
What is someone asks you a question like--'I just bought this. It's nice na?' What would you say? ;-)
i think i would consider how harmful would the results of a lie be
I totally agree with you burf. That is what I also tried to do. And it did seem like it worked!
I dont really know but Machiavelli is a bloody genius.
I know! The guy makes a lot of sense, at least in today's world when one 'has to be' clever to be successful...
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